go into depression and who knows what could really happen. This article states that the students will focus more, if the they don’t have to worry on picking out what to wear every single day. Thats right i guess but really if u think about it that's just taking away from a little time to themselves. School is a big part of life and is very important but it doesn't need to be a 24/7 thing. People think that getting school uniforms is going to help the students but really i can just take away so much freedom. The opponents believe school uniforms take away the student’s right to express their individuality,and have no positive effect on behavior or academic achievement. I support these accusations, besides academic achievement. The purpose of school is to prepare you for the real world so you can succeed. When does everybody in the world wear the same clothing? I feel like being able to pick out my own clothes to wear, is a sense of growing up. I get to choose the way I look. Everybody has their own style and if u dont give them a chance to let them be themselves there going to hate school and then there's going to be a bunch of drama so nobody will be learning.
go into depression and who knows what could really happen. This article states that the students will focus more, if the they don’t have to worry on picking out what to wear every single day. Thats right i guess but really if u think about it that's just taking away from a little time to themselves. School is a big part of life and is very important but it doesn't need to be a 24/7 thing. People think that getting school uniforms is going to help the students but really i can just take away so much freedom. The opponents believe school uniforms take away the student’s right to express their individuality,and have no positive effect on behavior or academic achievement. I support these accusations, besides academic achievement. The purpose of school is to prepare you for the real world so you can succeed. When does everybody in the world wear the same clothing? I feel like being able to pick out my own clothes to wear, is a sense of growing up. I get to choose the way I look. Everybody has their own style and if u dont give them a chance to let them be themselves there going to hate school and then there's going to be a bunch of drama so nobody will be learning.