Common misconception: Text is stored and processed by the computer as alphanumeric symbols.
Alphanumeric symbols (e.g. A, B, C, D, 1, 2, 3, etc.) are an example of abstraction. They can be converted to and from other representations that are easier for a computer to process (e.g. binary code). The beauty of abstraction is that the user never knows this is occurring; the computer does the conversion 'behind-the-scenes.
Right now, you are reading alphanumeric characters. Break down the word alphanumeric and you have 'alpha' - as in alphabet - and 'numeric' - as in...well...numbers. Alphanumeric characters are the numbers and letters that we use on a daily basis as we read, write, and interact with the world around us.
Alphanumeric characters include: alphabetic letters from A-Z
Arabic numbers from 0-9 punctuation (e.g. periods, commas, exclamation points) special symbols (e.g. &, *, $)
Computers do not use these alphanumeric symbols to store information. Computers use binary to store all information...remember? In Converting Decimal Numbers Into Binary, you saw how binary was converted into numbers. Just like that conversion process, there are agreed-upon conventions for how to convert from binary -> alphanumeric and from alphanumeric -> binary. What are these conventions? all alphanumeric characters are is all the letters and numbers on a keyboard that can be used to make up a password, email or something in that manner. (EX. axrd1209bhat. this would say be a password)
Alphanumeric characters are the letters of the alphabet (A-Z) and the numerals 0-9.
Ciphers or code-numbers which mix letters (alpha) and numbers (Numeric) examples, mostly military, wouold include M-l6 (an assault rifle), B-29 (a Bomber) G-2 (genrric term for intelligence) and so on... note mixing of letters and numbers. Many Library call numbers (In NYC) are of this type.all alphanumeric characters are is all