According to Meyer, Stephen a journalist, ¨The NFL requires its player to take year-round drug test, The penalty for those caught using banned substances for the first time is a suspension that last four games, which amount to a quarter of a season.¨(Meyer). This shows how if an athlete gets caught they would miss some part of the season for cheating. This how big the problem is when they have to do year round testing. Also in the MLB they do testing but their punishment is much worse. Meyer, Stephen wrote ¨The MLB, which has the most widely publicized steroid problem among the major sports, implemented a new, much harsher drug policy in 2006. Under the new policy, on athleteś first positive test results in a 50-game suspension withouthout pay. A second failed test brings a …show more content…
Drugs can do a lot of bad things for an athletes body. Meyer, Stephen wrote,¨ Epo can increase the number of red blood cells to such a degree that the blood becomes too thick to flow properly, potentially leading to heart attacks and strokes.¨(Meyer). Taking drugs like these can lead to death, a win is not worth more than an athlete's life. Another bad thing steroids can do is lead to Cardiovascular problems. Meyer, Stephen said in his article,¨Some studies have associates steroid use with serious cardiovascular problems, including cardiomyopathies (inflammation of the heart muscle), irregular heart rhythm, development of embolisms( blockage of an artery by a clot or particle that is carried in the bloodstream), and the heart failure.¨(Meyer). This is another health issue that can lead to death which is not worth it. People who take or sell steroids should understand that a life is at risk. People have to understand that what may seem to be a harmless enhancer can actually lead to someone's