
Should The United States Use Atomic Energy?

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Should The United States Use Atomic Energy?
In the 1945 the United States of America dropped atomic bombs on Japan. What if the United States shared their knowledge of Atomic energy with the rest of the world and it became the main resource of the world. Atomic energy would be used to power cars, houses, even phones. The world would advance probably in a bigger more clucky way. Things would need to be bigger because its all powered by atomic energy. There would be a lot less pollution because Atomic energy is all clean. Nations would not invade other countries for resources because evreyone would be using atomic energy. There woud of course still be major problems. The Soviet Union would have an endless suply of power that would definitly help feed people. The Soviet Union could have stayed together making Russia a communist …show more content…
America coming out on top after world war 2 Americans would feel they are unstopable. Russia just having defeated Hitler will also feel super nationalism for Russia. The communist Russia would have a problem with the the democratic United States. They would evolve over time to be the worlds two utmost superpowers. The scare of a nuclear war with Russia would be an economic gain to the United States. The government and private compains would build shelters and strongholds incase there was a nuclear war. Civilians would pay to get in and the bunker business would be booming and the bunker compainies would rise to the top of the economic food chain. Also during this time allies would be starting to align like back in World War 2. Communist countries would align with Russia and most other first world powers would align with the United states. Japan and China would remain nuetral.Tensions would rise until it erupted. World War 3 would happen around 2075. Russia would first attack the less prepared United Kingdom first and then move on to the the United States. The war would probably start out much like world war two with lots of ground air and sea combat. Russia would invade Alaska

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