Before I get stated, I’d like to ask you guys for one question: Have you ever got smacked by your parents when you are a little child? If you have, please put your hands up. Alright, it seems everyone has been smacked before, so have I.
A black and white picture of a cross father spanking a little boy who is crying on his knees could be described by people as the “bad old days”. Disciplinary action such as a smack on a child’s bottom is not illegal in Australia and it’s now viewed as “barbaric”. As a result, children get hurt. Many of the parents are the proponents of corporal punishment as it is quicker to implement, costs nothing and deters unruliness. Nevertheless, psychologists are doing a lot of researches and giving reports aiming to ban those harmful actions to children. Also, the governments have paid a lot of attention to this issue as well. In my opinion, smacking must be banned in order to protect children’s rights and keep them from harming in both physical and psychological ways. If we keep this pathological approach of parenting, the delay of the development of civilization in Australia will result.
In most Australian states, a parent can lawfully smack a child when it is “reasonable”, however, the difficulties of defining “reasonable” makes the situation more complex. Sometimes, smack can lead to more extreme forms of physical abuse. Here is a story: Just few weeks ago, a Chinese mother beat her 3-year-old girl with her open hand because she kept crying. By accident, she was hitting too hard and her daughter’s head hit the ground; that caused her skull fracture and her tragic death. Dr. Chaney, the head of The Royal Australasian College of Pediatric & Child Health Division, said “it is no longer OK for parents to argue that it never did us any harm”. Even our parents are confident about interpreting “sensible”, the definition of a “reasonable smack” can be various according to individuals, which