Dr, Patricia Ross
English 102
17 July 2014
Should We Change Our Drinking Age? Should the United States lower its drinking age to eighteen? Should it remain twenty one? Should it be raised to a higher age? America needs to lower the drinking age to eighteen. With proper education and awareness there would be no problem for our young adults. There would be less problems due to the fact they can legally buy alcohol and drink it. An eighteen year old can serve and die for his country, but cannot enjoy a cold beer on the weekend. This makes no sense. Throughout history of the United States there has been a debate on the legal drinking age for alcohol. There has been numerous legal ages throughout the last four decades …show more content…
Finally in 1984 the United States enacted the “National Minimum Drinking Age Act” which made the national drinking age twenty one. America allows its young adults of the age of eighteen to vote for whom they want to lead their country. This is a big responsibility. They are also allowed to join the military, train, and be shipped off to faraway lands to fight their nation’s battles. We are asking quite a bit of our young adults putting them into harm’s way and asking them to make life altering decisions. They are seen fit to make the calls with their life, so why can they not consume alcohol legally. If we lower the age of drinking to eighteen, there is reason to believe that there will be less issues and problems with this age group and alcohol. Anyone who is under the age of twenty one feels like alcohol is the forbidden fruit. They can’t have it so they want it. They will consume as much as they can due to the fact that they may not know when they will get more. This is the problem. If we lower the legal limit, they can purchase it and they will drink in a more responsible manner. Cary discusses in “Time to Lower the Drinking Age” that when she was in college