Dr. Edina Szalai
November 9, 2010
Should Woman Pursue a Career?
In the late 60’s woman didn’t have the freedom they have today, a woman couldn’t serve in the military, vote or do most of the things that men were able to do. In our society today woman play a huge role. More and more woman are becoming stronger throughout the decades. The freedom they never had, a lot of women are taken advantage of in today’s society. I think woman deserve to pursue a career and follow their dreams, because 2 solid incomes can help a marriage, kids could be more mature without a full time mother and a woman’s self esteem would be higher than if she would be a stay home mother. Many people over look what a perfect marriage is, some people may think that as long as the two mates love each other, the marriage will be just fine. I slightly disagree with that, I think that there is a formula for a good marriage. The most important thing in a marriage is, for both to be in love with each other, the other part is for the couple to be finically stable. That’s the part people don’t really get, if a house hold isn’t financially stable with flowing money things can go bad in a marriage, a lot of stress can be put on the man who has to come up with the money. This is where the wife comes in; most men would love a partner that helps with the income in the house because, there would be less stress and is very helpful for them. Two incomes can prevent debt and a lot of stress which would make the marriage very strong because they both would be happy. Many of the women who pursue a career put their children in day cares or babysitters. Many people tend to think this would be for the best for the kid. Some may disagree and say that a kid needs his mother for his childhood, but I think by a mother not being there 24/7 this could help a kid mature and be more reliant on him or herself rather than always relying on the mother. At a younger age would be accepting