Siebel Systems, Inc.
Revision History:
When Who What
11/17/2004 Rob Seaman Original creation
11/22/2004 Ashish Kothari Updates
3/22/2006 Jonathan Fan Updates
Table of Contents
Revision History: 2
Table of Contents 3
What This Is 4
Whom to Contact 4
Dynamic Pricing Procedure 4
Steps 4
Step Details 7
1. Check Header Price List 7
2. Raise Expired Error 8
3. Raise Not Effective Error 8
4. Customizable Product Roll-Down 9
5. Get List Price 10
6. Get Root Price List Item Id 16
7. Split Unpriced Actions 17
8. Customizable Product Adjustment 17
9. Start = List 19
10. Matrix Adjustment 19
11. Invalid Combination? 21
12. Display Invalid Combination Error 21
13. Split Service Products 21
14. Discount Non-Service Products 21
15. Update Covered Product Net Prices 22
16. Price Service Products 22
17. Discount Service Products 23
18. Merge Service Products 23
19. Get MPT Prices 23
20. Merge Un-priced Actions 24
21. Roll-down Bundle Prices 24
22. Customizable Product Roll-Up 25
What This Is
This document explains, in detail, all of the steps and the input arguments to each step in the ‘Dynamic Pricing Procedure’ workflow process.
This document assumes the reader is well versed with the Siebel 7.8 Pricing Management application.
This document was written for the “Dynamic Pricing Procedure” workflow process from the 19017 build.
Whom to Contact
Rob Seaman
Dynamic Pricing Procedure
Please refer to the PSP L2 Tech presentation for further information on each of the transforms.
Below is a list of the steps in the Dynamic Pricing Procedure, as well as the business service and method that is called:
Name Type Business Service Method Subprocess Description
Check Header Price List Business Service Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service Query Transform Determine if the