
Significance Of Standing On Holy Ground

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Significance Of Standing On Holy Ground
Standing on Holy Ground must have a big significance for people that see the nursing profession as a call from God and is accepting that call. In our daily living, we can perceive a lot of nurses that see their job just like a way to have a good income, they can be great nurses but there is something missing. “When you see nursing as a calling, you go to this higher level which is the vocation level, which has a spiritual dimension to the profession” [O’Brian,1]. The vocation gave to the nurse’s other significance, for that reason the author mention that goes to a higher level. Anyone can be a nurse but the vocation makes us special because we are receiving a call from God, He chooses as because He knows that we will give a care in a special …show more content…
We already know that exist a connection between body, mind and spirit. As a nurse our mission standing in the holy ground is acting as a healer, because we have that connection with God we are acting as a vessel of His words, His intentions and love for the person that we are taking care.
I think Standing on Holy Ground its important in health care because we are seen the patient as part of the creation of God, because we are working and acting as a healer not only of the body of a person we are healing the spirit too, and we are able to do that because God is with that we are an instrument used by Him in other to help someone in need. When I was looking for a connection of my topic with examples of a real life, I found that holistic care is taking a lot of importance for
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We can forget that any time that we work with a patient we are in a Holly Ground. As Professor Dr. Gentle wrote in one or her post [04/07/2017] we need to ask to be a change of the case because we will be “guilty of murder”. Not only as a nurse but also as a Christians and a human being our nature and duty is protecting and preserved live. In this website, I found some controversial cases not only in the USA but in other countries of people that wanted Euthanasia. A 14-old girl from Chile who suffers cystic fibrosis, that was asking the president to make legal the euthanasia in her country because she didn’t want to suffer more. Also, criminal rapists and murder that was asking because he didn’t want live anymore. Life is no easy and sometimes we have to live painful experiences but that doesn’t give us the right to decide if we live or not. Life is a precious gift that we need to

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