Having four significant figures is more accurate on the weight of the hole puncher because that means that three of the digits are definite while one is an estimate and when it is two, you do not know if it is just 49 or if it is 49.1. Secondly, the number of significant figures is affected by the tool used to take a measurement because they have a degree of uncertainty which required us to use estimation. This was seen when we measured a paper clip using a ruler using the units, centimeters which said the paper clip was around 4.5 but it was not exactly at 4.5 so we had to use estimation. This shows that the tools have a degree of uncertainty because it did not tell us the exact measurement like the balance did so I had to estimate. In my estimation, I got 4.7 but it could be 4.6 and that is what affects the significant figures. To conclude, significant figures are vital in science because they give a more accurate answer when the tools require us to use estimation. Significant figures are used in daily life such as when you have to weigh yourself when you are at the gym or when you are pumping gas and you want to fill your car at the exact amount. When you understand
Having four significant figures is more accurate on the weight of the hole puncher because that means that three of the digits are definite while one is an estimate and when it is two, you do not know if it is just 49 or if it is 49.1. Secondly, the number of significant figures is affected by the tool used to take a measurement because they have a degree of uncertainty which required us to use estimation. This was seen when we measured a paper clip using a ruler using the units, centimeters which said the paper clip was around 4.5 but it was not exactly at 4.5 so we had to use estimation. This shows that the tools have a degree of uncertainty because it did not tell us the exact measurement like the balance did so I had to estimate. In my estimation, I got 4.7 but it could be 4.6 and that is what affects the significant figures. To conclude, significant figures are vital in science because they give a more accurate answer when the tools require us to use estimation. Significant figures are used in daily life such as when you have to weigh yourself when you are at the gym or when you are pumping gas and you want to fill your car at the exact amount. When you understand