Both Christianity and Islam are monotheistic religions that emerged from the teachings of a single man imparting the Word of God; Christianity from Jesus Christ and Islam from Muhammad. Their message was simple, preaching faith in a single God. But because these men amassed a great following, the political leaders of the time felt threatened and, as a result, attempts were made in both regions to kill the founders, a move based on power and greed. Jesus of Nazareth gained the following of a large number of Jews who abided by his teachings above all else, which the Jewish leaders considered as a direct threat to their power and therefore wanted him killed. Eventually, one of
Both Christianity and Islam are monotheistic religions that emerged from the teachings of a single man imparting the Word of God; Christianity from Jesus Christ and Islam from Muhammad. Their message was simple, preaching faith in a single God. But because these men amassed a great following, the political leaders of the time felt threatened and, as a result, attempts were made in both regions to kill the founders, a move based on power and greed. Jesus of Nazareth gained the following of a large number of Jews who abided by his teachings above all else, which the Jewish leaders considered as a direct threat to their power and therefore wanted him killed. Eventually, one of