The Greek civilization was most important period which shaped the root of modern civilization. The most admired historical city-states (polis) to have ever existed was Athens and Sparta and that are always taken an example for their completely different governing systems. The difference between two city states were flagrant. Today we will dive deeper into the Spartans and Athenians life and try to figure out how Athens and Sparta obtain the right to participate in public life. We will also discuss about who held the public office and what rules governed the selection of the public office holders. Finally we will talk about how the two cities were similar and different in their governmental structures.
How did people in Athens …show more content…
In Athens, women, slaves, and non-citizens were excluded from the participation on governing body and In Sparta, Helots (virtual slaves), Non-citizens Spartan, and Periokoi (neighbors) were excluded from many aspects of the society and women had legally no saying in the legislative process.
However, Athens and Sparta were polar opposites of each other and exhibited significant difference in several ways. Spartan woman were exercise great freedom than any other Greek city-state and they were well-educated, outspoken, and strong where in Athens women were treated as to give birth of child and also for men’s pleasure.
Athens had most inclusive and developed democratic system where people voted and discussed about different state issue while war wasn’t the single agenda on the board. Where in Sparta government system was oligarchy and used state-sponsored terrorism to subjugated Helot and it was treated as patriotic job and the democratic aspect of the Assembly served only one purpose and it was for making it easier for Sparta to engage in its wars.