
Similarities Between Ancient Egyptian Gods And Goddesses

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Similarities Between Ancient Egyptian Gods And Goddesses
Jacklyn Walton
Professor. Philbin
History 111 (M,TH,F)
15 October 2014
Ancient Egyptian After Life and Gods and Goddesses
The Ancient Egyptian’s had a very interesting take on their after life. People have spent a lot of time and money to try and learn more about them. These people have found out a bunch of information about Egyptian gods and goddesses along with their version of the after life and what happens to the dead.
In Ancient Egypt there were a good many gods and goddesses that were found extremely important. They worship more then just these though. There are three different categories they can be split into. These categories are the creator and beginning gods and goddesses, the protection gods and goddesses, and the other gods and
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In it the body is wrapped with linen strips (Mummification). The first step is to wrap the head and neck (Mummification). Once the head and neck are wrapped the dead person’s fingers and toes are wrapped individually (Mummification). Then the arms and legs are wrapped separately (Mummification). In between layers of wrapping different amulets were placed to protect and help that person in the after life (Mummification). Two of these were the Isis knot and the Plummet (Mummification). The Isis Knot was placed to protect the body and the Plummet was to help keep the person balanced in the after life (Mummification). The whole time this was being done a priest would have been reading spells out loud (Mummification). These spells were another thing to help protect the body (Mummification). After that was done the arms and legs were tied together in front of the body (Mummification). After they were tied together a scroll with spells from the book of the dead was placed in the person’s hands (Mummification). Once the scroll was placed in the wrapped hands the body was wrapped again with more linen (Mummification). After each layer is wrapped it is painted with liquid resin (Mummification). This is done to help glue the layers together (Mummification). Once that is done a cloth was wrapped around the body and a picture of the god Osiris was painted on to the surface (Mummification). Finally the cloth was wrapped all the way around the body and it was held in place by pieces of linen that ran from the very top to the bottom and around the middle (Mummification). A painted board was then placed on top of the body, and the body was lowered into the first coffin. The last step was to lower that coffin into a second coffin (Mummification). Once that was done the funeral would happen and the family could mourn their lost loved one

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