In Freud’s earlier research he used hypnosis on patients that had organic disease and not ones with just hysteria. Beurer’s findings encouraged Freud to start using hypnosis on people with non organic diseases, such as hysteria. After using hypnosis on patients Freud found information that might lead to evidence that is hidden from the outside world (unconscious). This later helped his and Janet’s theory of hypnosis and unconsciousness behavior. As mentioend in Mayer (2007), David Hume talked about how knowledge is created through experience sin the environement. So, when patient Anna O would experience her lack of ability to drink, Beurer used hypnosis to get her out of her absense state and presume her drinking. After going through the technique of talking to the patient in hypnsosis, she mentioned her hatred for her Englich governess and how her dog has drank out of a glass. Because of the hysteris she could have generalized her hatred for her professor and her dog to her own drinking becasue when she would go to pick up her glass her unconscious would remind her of the hatred and make her not
In Freud’s earlier research he used hypnosis on patients that had organic disease and not ones with just hysteria. Beurer’s findings encouraged Freud to start using hypnosis on people with non organic diseases, such as hysteria. After using hypnosis on patients Freud found information that might lead to evidence that is hidden from the outside world (unconscious). This later helped his and Janet’s theory of hypnosis and unconsciousness behavior. As mentioend in Mayer (2007), David Hume talked about how knowledge is created through experience sin the environement. So, when patient Anna O would experience her lack of ability to drink, Beurer used hypnosis to get her out of her absense state and presume her drinking. After going through the technique of talking to the patient in hypnsosis, she mentioned her hatred for her Englich governess and how her dog has drank out of a glass. Because of the hysteris she could have generalized her hatred for her professor and her dog to her own drinking becasue when she would go to pick up her glass her unconscious would remind her of the hatred and make her not