The final character that we will discuss is Gus, an extremely proud father, member of the community and above all he is proud of his heritage. Greek American is the term to describe him, a traditional minded father from a past generation. His passions include his house, family and restaurant which serves as a center piece of the family and Greek community. Gus is in his 70ies and in the stage of generativity versus stagnation that represents the major conflict of adulthood. The simple trade off that is survival of the human species depends on the willingness of parents to take care of children. In return the benefit for the child and the adult. As a result the child needs to be card for, and the adult needs to be needed (Slater, 2003). The stage of generativity has a large ability to be applied to family, relationships, work and society. Generativity is primarily the concern in establishing and guiding the next generation (Slater, 2003). …show more content…
Parents extend their boundaries to include their hopes and expectations for their child. The inclusion of teachings projects their longing onto the child and hops that the child can pursue some of their missed opportunities (Slater, 2003). There is a constant tension between inclusion and exclusion as the child differentiates from the family and eventually leaves to live independently (Slater, 2003). The departure of the young adult can bring on a crisis for the caregivers when they no longer have someone to care for, and when they see that the child will not live out their projected