The massively extensive classical empires of Imperial Rome (31BCE-476CE) and Han China (206BCE-220CE) were extremely influential when it came to the world around them. In essence, the two empires were virtually the same in terms of political structure and military protocols, yet greatly different in the area of religious tolerance. Both Han China and Imperial Rome had a political system structure consisting of a sovereign emperor who made executive, almost dictator-like, decisions and directed the affairs of the empire. However, in both empires, emperors relied on regional governors to regulated affairs in their respective regions due to the fact that both empires were so massive and consisted of an enormous population. …show more content…
Both Han China and Imperial Rome used religion as a helper in political culture. Confucianism was enforced by the government and promoted obedience, loyalty, and reverence to one’s social superiors. In Rome, Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity in 312CE, and used the church as a sort of guidance/advisor. Both civilizations established a type of “civil service” based on educated members of the middle class. As far as military protocols go, both militaries worked extensively on projects for the empire such as roads to expedite troop movement. Late in the histories of both empires, foreign soldiers were enlisted in the military due to a drop in population of plagues hit the society. The …show more content…
In Rome, the emperors resorted to threats and promises, where as in Han China, the emperors relied mostly on the Mandate of Heaven institution and tributes/gifts from the citizens. Both rulers had a slightly different role as well. The Emperor of China was judge, jury, and executioner, whereas the Emperor of Rome could not act without the senate's approval. With military expedition and empire expansion, the methods were quite different. When the Romans conquered a new region, they would enforce soldiers in that region until the tax was collected. After the tax was paid, the Romans allowed the conquered peoples to keep their cultural ways. This also applied to religion. Conquered peoples could remain with their religion as long as they followed the system. In fact, in 212CE, Rome offered citizenship to conquered peoples in exchange for adopting Roman culture. This offer was extended to all free people of the conquered region, and citizenship for them meant they had the right to hold office, serve in legions, and others. However, becoming a citizen did not erase their other identities like religious views. Rome also collected many foreign religions, making the entire empire a college of religious views. Unlike Rome, Han China forced Confucian beliefs upon their conquered areas. When the Han invaded and conquered Korea and Vietnam, they