Some similarities of imperial administration in Imperial Rome and Han China include the general idea of equality, living under one ruler who gives the people some control, and the roles of families. Both empires believed in generalization of the people. Yes, they had one ruler, but everyone else underneath the ruler was made equal. Both Imperial Rome and Han China are controlled under one central leader. …show more content…
Imperial Rome’s political method is centered around polytheism. Han China’s political method is centered around Confucianism during the beginning of the dynasty, and then around Daoism after political changes were made. . Confucianism is defined as more of a philosophy than a religion. Confucius taught philosophical and ethical ideas, that shaped the traditional Chinese culture. Han China, after change in authority, transformed from Confucianism to Daoism. Imperial Rome was centered around polytheism, the worship of many Gods. It is very different than Daoism. Daoism is based upon philosophy and nature, but polytheism is based upon gods. Han China and Imperial Rome express different political methods of control through religion. Imperial Rome and Han China had different ways in which their leaders were chosen. In Han China, rule was gained through ancestors into a centralized bureaucratic authority. In Imperial Rome authority began through certain elements of democracy, not through ancestral