
Similarities Between Jekyll And Hyde

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Similarities Between Jekyll And Hyde
when he was running over the child, he didn’t give a second thought before killing Mr. Carew.
Though he blames Hyde for all his sinful crimes, he seems guilty of drinking the potion in the first place. He feels guilty of giving in to his temptations over all. Even though he states in his letter that he had no guilt of Hyde’s actions. He states “It was Hyde, after all, and Hyde alone”. This seems different to hear coming from Jekyll after all Hyde is all “his” suppressed feelings. He didn’t realize that he was prisoning himself because of his own deed. Lanyon’s death could also be blamed on Jekyll as he was traumatized after he saw Jekyll’s transformation to Hyde. After killing Danver Carew, he tried to stop himself from committing crimes and instead took an honorable path. A route where he went out to charity events and showed his true Jekyll side. However Jekyll’s obsession with his other half was just as addicting as cigarettes are to smokers. He couldn’t resist from all his sins. Every time he tried to purify himself, Hyde would come out stronger than before.
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As addicts would go to any extent to hide their addiction from the people, Jekyll tried to keep his respectable side out in the open while his Hyde self in the dark. Because of society’s rules Jekyll tried to hide Hyde his darker self. However Hyde’s lack of conscious and prevailing dominance in Jekyll’s personality, it brings light to Jekyll’s glowing darkness to society. His desperation to regain control over Hyde shows in the increase of dosage that he takes before he dies. And when that wasn’t enough, as a last act of redemption Hyde ends up killing

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