
Similarities Between North Korea And South Asia

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Similarities Between North Korea And South Asia
established. This resulted from the post-World War II Soviet military occupation of the northern portion of the peninsula. North Korea was and remains a highly militarized and communist dictatorship which means it is neither democratic nor a republic. Its institutions are modeled almost identically to those of the Soviet Union. The similarities do not end there, the leaderships styles of the country are equal to those of Joseph Stalin, a Soviet dictator in 1930’s and 40’s. There are many more things they have in common such as the command economy of North Korea and the poor treatment of its malnourished citizens. North Korea has done an extremely good job of secluding itself not only from South Korea but from the rest of the world as a whole. …show more content…
North Korea has a strongly centralized and socialist government. The government's structure is set forth in the constitution that was made up in 1972, this new constitution replaced the one of 1948. From the time the new constitution was implemented in 1972 until the late 1990s, the North Korean constitution gave complete executive power to a single president. A president was equivalently head of state and head of the government which is a dangerous amount of power. The SPA , Supreme People’s Assembly elected the president who then appointed the Central People’s Committee members. The CPC is the government's highest policy-making body. After the death of Kim Il Sung the presidential position was up for grabs until in 1998 the title was released and North Korea established that the highest office that could be held was chairmanship of the National Defense Commission in other words a dictator and the new dictator would be Kim Il Sung’s son. This new development led North Korea to embrace a family dynasty for a communist led party,communism is concept or system of society in which the major resources and means of production are owned by the community rather than by individuals. So, when the new dictator emerged from his father’s shadows he inherited the last and only stalinist dictatorship. His inheritance also included a nation borderlining catastrophe and great turmoil where there is limited to no freedom allotted to the citizens of the

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