
Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet
While Romeo and Hazel both face the fate of the tragic death of their loved ones, Hazel’s empathy for others enables her to accept Augustus’ death, whereas Romeo’s self-centered nature make him unable to cope Juliet’s death. Although both Hazel and Romeo have friends and family that support them, Hazel is overly concerned about how her actions will affect those around her, while Romeo is oblivious to the effect of his actions on others. Green portrays Hazel as a mature teenage girl who is fated to die from cancer. When trying to explain to her parents why she is withdrawn and anti-social, she exclaims, “I’m a grenade and at some point I am going to blow up and I’d like to try to minimize the casualties” (Green 99). Hazel views her death as …show more content…
However, in doing so she also punishes herself by not connecting with others and living her life to the fullest. Unlike Hazel, Romeo unknowingly causes pain and destruction to those around him. Shakespeare characterizes Romeo as an impulsive, teenage boy led by his emotions rather than logic. After being infatuated with Juliet, the daughter of a rival feuding family, Romeo brazenly trespasses on her family’s property in order to secretly meet with her. When Juliet warns him that the guards will kill him if they catch him on the property, Romeo proclaims, “Thy kinsmen are no stop to me” (2.2.69). This illustrates how Romeo acts with out thinking and has no regard as to what would happen to others as a result of his actions. If Romeo were caught not only would he likely be killed, but he would also risk getting Juliet into a lot of trouble and further escalate tensions between both families. If Romeo thought through the consequences of his actions, he would realize that he is putting the very person he loves in danger. Romeo lives his life in the moment and fights any obstacles that fate puts in his path, unaware that his actions may cause others or himself pain. Although both Romeo and Hazel are both dealt with …show more content…
After Romeo receives the news of Juliet’s death, he yells, “I defy you stars!” (5.1.24). Romeo is unable to accept his fate of not being with Juliet and immediately kills himself at her gravesite. With this action he defies fate because he and Juliet will continue be together in heaven. Unlike Romeo, Hazel is able to accept the fate of Augustus’ death. After Augustus’ funeral, Hazel receives a letter in which says he hopes Hazel liked her choice to fall in love with him. Hazel responds, “I do Augustus. I do” (Green 313). Hazel’s words symbolize that her love for Augustus is still ongoing, even after Augustus’ death. She cared so much about making sure her loved ones were able to come to terms with her own death that she knew Augustus would want the same thing for her. Unlike Hazel, Romeo never thought about what Juliet would have wanted for him before making the decision to kill himself. While Hazel is continuously concerned for the fate of others, Romeo is only worried about his own fate. Hazel chose to accept her fate and by doing so is able to move on from Augustus’ death and learns that even though nothing in life is permanent, their love will live on. Conversely, Romeo did not accept his fate and fought for what he wanted, despite the consequences and devastation he causes. Interestingly, he also found a way for his love to

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