Diana Greene
Liberty University
Thesis Statement and Outline Thesis Statement: “The Lottery”, by Shirley Jackson and “The Rocking-Horse Winner” by D. H. Lawrence are both short stories in which the authors use symbolism to convey the theme of each story. However, these short story’s themes are contrasting, with one of the story’s theme being a quest for love and the other theme is the lack of love.
I. To convey the themes of “The Lottery” and “The Rocking-Horse Winner” the authors use symbolism.
A. In “The Lottery” there is the black box which a symbol of the villager’s tradition. 1. The “black box” was the specific equipment used for the lottery that had lost some of it original purpose. The villagers were will to let go of some of the original rule for the lottery, but never decide to get rid of it all together, even though other villages had rid themselves of the lottery. 2. Though the “black box” had gotten ragged and shabby, there was never an interest for it to be replace. The original intent of the “black box” had lost its meaning over the years because not only was it shabby but the wooden chip …show more content…
The word lottery and winner usually are associated with gain and fun, leading to a positive outcome and a happy ending. However, the authors of these two stories have given us quite the opposite of the ending of these stories, their themes are contrasting, with one of the story’s theme being a quest for love and the other theme is the lack of