The reason as to why the Cathedral of Toledo and in general, Spanish Gothic Architecture, are in some ways similar to English and French Gothic Architecture is because Spain Goth is mainly the result of European influence, consisting mainly from France. In Spain, during the second half of the twelfth century and the beginning of the thirteenth, an interesting class of buildings was erected, in which pointed arch occurs in vaulting and in the main arcades. In …show more content…
With this connection, it is safe to presume that the appearance of early Christian architecture of Spain was by no means of local growth, but rather that, it was the result of influences derived from Gaul, an area in North Western Europe that was encompassing present day France, as well as the parts of the present day England. Such influence may be naturally accounted for by the advancing forces of the Cistercian order, a group of nomadic religious figures who played a significant role in the influence and spreading of Gothic Architecture. Along with the Cistercian order, came with them, the traditions and tastes of France. It is important to note that while this does allow Europe, to some degree, influence Spain, a handful of Spanish buildings are not true to the Gothic style. Nevertheless, certain portions of some of these buildings are Gothic. Referring to Figure D, the vaulting ribs and the pointed arches located inside of the Toledo Cathedral are more or less similar to those seen at the Salisbury Cathedral and Amiens Cathedral albeit the latter cathedrals spent