Starting in the early ages they used a system called "feudalism." A feudal society is when the King would grant sizable pieces of land to noblemen. From there they would make deals with peasants where if they worked on their land and did all the labor, in return they would be allowed to live on the land and also receive protection in case of invasions or attacks. In the later Middle Ages, the feudal way of life started to change. As agricultural inventions started to become more advanced it made agriculture more productive and efficient. With these "technical advances" there was less of a need for farmers which caused many people to move to the major cities and towns to find more industrial …show more content…
Uninstrumental singing was a very big part in churches. Priests and monks would often sing and chant their prayers during daily masses. The plays and dramas would be preformed in front of the church and included many topics from the Old Testament and from the birth and death of Jesus Christ. To help Christianity spread and grow faster, they built beautiful and extravagant churches, basilicas, and cathedrals that also would work well for meeting halls to discuss their point of views on problems in the church. Many of these cathedrals used architectural advances such as thick stone walls, strong vaults to support the roof, and few windows and the layout would often resemble a cross. Some examples of churches with these features are the Cathedral of Segovia in Spain and the Cathedral of Milan in