When I was about seven years old I stole a Kinder Surprise from Superstore. Did I have to go to court? No but, I did have to go back and tell the manager what I did. There are certain ages that people qualify under the law. Youth ages twelve to seventeen are qualified under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, but ages eighteen and older are under the Criminal Code of Canada.
The goal of the YCJA is to provide a fair and efficient youth justice system. How do they continue to keep this goal? The YCJA believes that the protection of society is the most important objective that needs to be practiced through prevention, serious consequences, and reconstruction or rehabilitation.
Why should young offenders be …show more content…
Youth have due process rights, including the right to be heard and participate in decisions that affect them. They also have the rights and freedoms under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The youth have “the right to be thought of as innocent until proven guilty, and the right to have a fair trial in court.” Adults also have due process rights.
The Criminal Code of Canada includes, the Act of Parliament, the Act of the legislature of the former Province of Canada, the Act of the legislature of a province, and the Act or authorization of the legislature of a province, territory or place in the use of effort at the time that province, territory or place became a province of Canada.
The Criminal Code of Canada will create a criminal record for offenders that break the law and are proven guilty. There are three steps after somebody has been proven guilty. “The sentence is a consequence for crime such as imprisonment determined by a court of law. The criminal record is a permanent record of breaking the law which is public information. A criminal record can stop you from getting a job or traveling to other countries. There is the legislation. Legislation is the laws that are created through the legislation process.” A Youth criminal record can include any charges laid against them, previous findings of guilt, any sentences you have received, and data about whether you have finished serving your