Christianity, Judaism, and Islam were the three main religions that you can find the in the West. Judaism begun from the Hebrew Bible and the religion of Jewish people. Hebrew Bible was created after the Israelite people was forced into exile by the Babylonians.Hebrew Bible is significant not only in terms of the history of the Hebrews but also in …show more content…
There is Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism. Hinduism came from the Northern part of India. It came from the word “Hindu” that came from the name of the river called Indus. Buddhism was first developed in the fifth century and founded by Siddharta Gautama. Sikhism came from the body of teachings of Guru Nanak who fought against the Hindu caste system. Taoism developed from the different religious and radical traditions in ancient China. Shintoism is one of the major religion in Japan it is originated in prehistoric …show more content…
The most common and important rituals of Christianity are Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, and Marriage were just the few important rituals that you can find in Christianity. Baptism or holy sacrament is the immersion of water or during the Christening of an infant or a child where the Priest will say “ I baptize you in the name of the Father,the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Baptism symbolizes salvation, and cleaning away all the sins. During the Baptism the parents of the child should be present along with the Godmother and godfather. Sabbath is one of many traditions and rituals of Judaism. The Shabbat begins on Friday at sunset until the nightfall on Saturday. This is the time when work is prohibited and also buying, selling and all sort of negotiating. Prayers sessions will take half to an hour to three times and on Saturday it can last for at least three full hours. In Islam, there are also some very important rituals and practices. The Five Pillars of Islam are the five religious duties expected of each and every Muslim in the world. This is mention in Quran where Muhammad listed them in the Hadith. Confession of Faith or shahada- there is no god but God and Muhammad is the prophet of God. Ritual Prayer or salat this performs five times a day. Alms tax or zakat, Fasting during the month of Ramadan, and the Pilgrimage to Mecca or hajj were