The Holy Land is an important site for all three religions because it contains many houses of worship. It includes Jewish synagogues, Christians Churches, and Muslim mosques. It is also the source of ongoing tension among religions and ethnic groups. It also has a lot of history.
* The three major monotheistic religions are sometimes described as branches of the same family tree. If this is true, how would you describe the trunk of the tree?
The three religions each trace their beginnings to a common patriarch. A man named Abraham started the family nearly 4,000 years ago in a land known then as Canaan. The three monotheistic faiths are known as Abrahamic Religions. This is because of their common roots. * How are the three major holy books of the monotheistic faiths both similar and different?
They all record the beliefs, the laws, and the histories of its religion. They also look to a sacred text for spiritual guidance to understand the history of their faith. The holy book of Torah has 39 books of the Hebrew bible or the complete Old Testament. The Bible contains teachings of Jesus as recorded by his disciples in the 27 books of the New Testament. The Qur’an is organized in 114 chapters called suras. * How are the basic beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam alike?
They are alike because they believe that there is only one God. They all believe in Sabbath. Those of Christian and Jewish faith refer to this day as a day of rest and worship. Saturday is the Sabbath for Judaism, observance usually begins on Friday. Most Christians observe the Sabbath on Sunday. In Islam, Muslims are called to public prayer on Friday. * What types of internal differences and divisions exist within each religion?
In Judaism, there are different sects. In a reformed sect, women ply a central part in the synagogue. Reformed