Sometimes when we learn about the past, like Ancient Rome, we have to use judgement because there are no eyewitnesses now. We have to take it on faith because some people can distort facts. For example, we understand it to be true that Constantine saw Jesus on the burning cross. A fact, however, is that Christianity survived the Roman Empire. We know that Theodosis makes Christianity the official religion in the Roman Empire. What was the most popular Monotheistic faith before Christianity?
The most popular Monotheistic faith before Christianity was Judaism.
What happened 300 years after Jesus died?
Around 300 years after Jesus died and Christianity is the official religion of the Roman Empire, Mohammed, the prophet of Islam came around. There were three Monotheistic religions being practiced: Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic.
What are the parts of the Bible?
The Bible, being …show more content…
The religions, which are rooted in positive attempts, made wonderful virtues to trust in. But often time, some believe their religion is more superior than other religions. That is when violence occurs. Now the two religions can get along, but sometimes they can't.
Why are there crosses in the battle field?
The crosses were means of torture and painful deaths. The crosses were kept up not to represent Jesus, but what Jesus did once. Through visions, Constantine sees Jesus, and he decided to put the cross on shields. The cross represents that your lord and savior died for my sins, and I wear it as his sacrifice. If Constantine would have never had this vision, would Christianity still have spread, and Jesus would play an important figure as he does today?
What are the three main Monotheistic religions are still present today?
Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. They all survived and are present today.
Several more centuries, who came around?
Several more centuries, Martin Luther transforms Christianity by splitting the