To gather support from their followers, they laid the blame for their economic problems on those states that were against them and also on particular groups inside their own countries. Hitler sent millions of Jews to their deaths in arguably the biggest genocide of all time. This is directly comparable to Hussein 's chemical attacks against the Iraqi Kurds in his own country, where thousands of people were gassed to death by baring the full brunt of Hussein 's chemical warfare arsenal. Any opposition from a religious source was nullified by state control and Hitler made the upper echelons of the clergy to swear allegiance to Nazi rule or be faced with brutal
To gather support from their followers, they laid the blame for their economic problems on those states that were against them and also on particular groups inside their own countries. Hitler sent millions of Jews to their deaths in arguably the biggest genocide of all time. This is directly comparable to Hussein 's chemical attacks against the Iraqi Kurds in his own country, where thousands of people were gassed to death by baring the full brunt of Hussein 's chemical warfare arsenal. Any opposition from a religious source was nullified by state control and Hitler made the upper echelons of the clergy to swear allegiance to Nazi rule or be faced with brutal