Similarity between New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ are similar in a number of ways. For instance, both of the two exchanges take part in equity exchange. Additionally, they also try to connect consumers with traders or supply with demand. In United States, a number of equity trades take place on the two exchanges. The duties of people managing the trades are considered to be the same in certain conditions. Both of the exchanges make use of electronic screens in their trading periods. NYSE and NASDAQ are considered to be similar because they both have a considerable percentage of America’s equities traffic. Apart from being the main exchange traders in America, both NYSE and NASDAQ are harmonized by the Stock Exchange Commission. The other similarity between the two exchanges is that they both have traffic controllers who are responsible for solving specific traffic problems. Consequently, this ensures that there is an efficient market for the customers. The two exchanges can also trade on themselves.
The distinction between New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ
Both exchanges are not only considered to be dissimilar in the way they work, but also on the types of equities bought or sold. In NYSE all the transactions are carried out in a physical place where individuals physically harmonize purchasing and selling orders for their investors. In NASDAQ, all the transactions are carried out in a telecommunication network. Therefore, traders are able to deal directly with their consumers or retailers who are considered as the market makers. The fundamental distinction between the two exchanges is in the manner in which their exchange securities are traded between purchasers and traders. In NASDAQ, individuals taking part in the market do not carry out direct trade. Therefore, transactions between purchasers and sellers are made through dealers (market makers) hence