The movie had many examples of all beatitudes but, there were specific ones that stood out most. For example, Simon talks about his "fate" or his purpose in life, and that he knows he is supposed to be a "hero." Simon is poor in spirit due to his physical size that makes him feel like he his beneath others. Also, his parents are not only poor, but they do not develop relationships with their son. He seeks love, attention, and affection from his best friend’s mom Rebecca. Simon says that God has a plan for him and that he is God’s instrument. Therefore, when he is with Joe through the death of his mother, Simon leads Joe to know the identity of his father, and saves the children on the bus, Simon believes he is only doing what he was put on Earth to do.
After watching and reflecting on this movie I learned many lessons from Simon Birch as a person and a believer in God. I always thought I had it tough but, after watching the movie I realized that there are many people in the world like Simon Birch who have to face problems that they have to live with for the rest of their lives. This has taught me to never lose faith and look at the bright side. For example, if I am struggling academically I should never lose my faith, my determination and the drive to keep going. Even if I dislike school and think its hard I must tell myself that I am grateful