
Simon Kress In Sandkings By George RR Martin

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Simon Kress In Sandkings By George RR Martin
Simon Kress, in the short story Sandkings by George RR Martin is a static character who is completely merciless. One example to prove Simon’s cruelty is the fact that he buys pets just to show off to his friends. When he gets the Sandkings he uses their battles to make profit through betting on the winner; however, the Sandkings will only fight if he provokes them, which he continually does for his own personal gain. In essence, he stages these battle by starving them so they all will fight for the food, this is definitely something only a person of Simon’s brutality would do. Another testament to Simon’s merciless character is when he claims that one of his parties is not a success unless someone walks out unhappy. By saying this, he shows

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