A machine with few or no moving parts. Simple machines make work easier.
Examples: Screw, Wheel and Axle, Wedge, Pulley, Inclined Plane, Lever
Compound Machine:
Two or more simple machines working together to make work easier.
Examples: Wheelbarrow, Can Opener, Bicycle
Inclined plane:
A sloping surface, such as a ramp. Makes lifting heavy loads easier. The trade-off is that an object must be moved a longer distance than if it was lifted straight up, but less force is needed.
Examples: Staircase, Ramp
A straight rod or board that pivots on a point known as a fulcrum. Pushing down on one end of a lever results in the upward motion of the opposite end of the fulcrum.
Examples: Door …show more content…
Name and circle at least four simple machines in this bike.
____lever (brakes)_______
______wheel and axle___
______pulley (chain) ___
1. Machines help us work:
a. *efficiently
b. frequently
2. Simple machines have:
a. *few or no moving parts
b. many moving parts
3. Name the six types of simple machines.
a. wedge
b. lever
c. wheel and axle
d. inclined plane
e. pulley
f. screw
4. A lever: is used to lift or move things. Which is NOT a lever?
a. shovel
b. broom
c. *ramp
d. bottle opener
e. hammer
5. An inclined plane: has a slanted surface. It is used to move things from a low place to a high place. Some are smooth and others have steps.
Which is not an inclined plane?
a. stairs
b. a ramp
c. a ladder
d. a roof
e. *a knife
6. On a wheel and axle, the wheel is connected to a center post called an axle. Turning the lager wheel makes turning the axle easier . Which is not a wheel and axle?
a. doorknob
b. screwdriver handle
c. pencil sharpener handle,
d. *hammer
e. bike peddle
7. A wedge is made of two inclined planes joined together to make a sharp edge. It’s used for cutting or spreading things. Some are pointed. Which is not a