Presented to:
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for English – IV
Rheiniel A. De Castro
March 5, 2012
I. Introduction Introduction Statement of the Problem Plan of Development
II. Main Body Presentation of Data Discussion of Data
III. Conclusion Summary
IV. Bibliography
I. INTRODUCTION If a girl in her teens, between the ages of 13 and 19 becomes pregnant, it is called teenage pregnancy. It is more rampant in western countries than the others. This problem is one of the hardest issues today, it is also inter-connected with the issue of child marriage. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1. What are the causes of teenage pregnancy? 2. What are the effects of teenage pregnancy to the couple? 3. How to handle teenage pregnancy? 4. How to prevent teenage pregnancy?
Books provided in our school library are few of my references for my research paper. To know more information, I made use of the computer to search data’s which are related to my topic. My research is concentrated only to the causes, effects, how to handle and how to prevent teenage pregnancy.
II. Main Body
PRESENTATION OF DATA 1. What are the causes of teenage pregnancy?
The causes of teenage pregnancy can be socio-economic or psychological. The teen or adolescent pregnancy is more prevalent in developed countries and most rampant in USA. In developing countries such as India, the socio-economic factors play a greater role in bringing it about and the issue is inherently linked to the problem of child marriage. So, the solutions to the problem of teen pregnancy will vary in different countries based on its causes. There are many causes, few of them are: Psychological Factors ,Impact of Mass Media, Alcohol and Substance Abuse ,Socio-economic factors and Lack of Proper Sex Education . 2. What are the effects of teenage pregnancy to the couple?
Teen pregnancy causes dramatic changes to a teen girl 's lifestyle, emotional well-being and body. According to, some of the most long-lasting effects of teen pregnancy involve the emotional stress of planning for parenthood, or planning for adoption. Parenting for teen father is difficult as well. His relation with the girl and her parents can get strained. At a young age, he is faced with problems like supporting the mother emotionally and the family financially. A teen pregnancy is an avoidable complication. Nowadays, sex education to the teens is an important responsibility of every parent and teacher. It is better that your child gets the right information from you rather than ending up with complications such as teen pregnancy or abortion. your teenager child ample amount of information regarding hazards of sexual intercourse and related health problems. You should make your child conscious of the fact that “it is better to be safe than sorry.” 3. How to handle teenage pregnancy?
Take a break when needed as this will make you feel relaxed and rested. Consult your doctor, or an expert on teenage pregnancy to understand what can be done to help. Join a support group. They can provide you with good information about teenage pregnancy. Talk to social worker or other mental health care professional for advice. Make sure that the pregnant teenage girl is eating the right food for her and provide them with a healthy family relationship. 4. How to prevent teenage pregnancy?
The only guaranteed method of avoiding teen pregnancy is abstinence. If a teen does decide to become sexually active, she should talk to her parents, physician, councilor or other mentor or health-care professional about available methods of birth control. Communicate with your child and try to find out if they are under any sort of peer pressure of getting into a relationship with someone. Make them understand that there are psychological and biological impacts of teenage pregnancy. If the above appears slightly discomforting, then enrol your kids for sex-education classes. Many schools are taking this initiative. It might just be that it is uncomfortable for your child to talk to you about sex. Suggest them books that discuss the side-effects of teenage pregnancy and the damages it can cause. Showing them videos on websites is the best way to make them aware. Win your child’s trust. Many cases of teenage pregnancies happen because of strict parents forbidding them to do so. A healthy and a mutual understanding is crucial, so if your child asks you questions, do not be afraid or hesitant to answer them. This advice is strictly for the teenagers. If they indulge in unprotected sex they must consult a doctor if they’ve missed their period dates. It could be a sign of pregnancy. You can also take a home pregnancy test. Take a contraceptive pill, the next morning without fail if you risk it and have unprotected sex.
DISCUSSION OF DATA If a girl in her teens, between the ages of 13 and 19 becomes pregnant, it is called teenage pregnancy. It is more rampant in western countries than the others. This problem is one of the hardest issues today, it is also inter-connected with the issue of child marriage.
The causes of teenage pregnancy can be socio-economic or psychological. The teen or adolescent pregnancy is more prevalent in developed countries and most rampant in USA. In developing countries such as India, the socio-economic factors play a greater role in bringing it about and the issue is inherently linked to the problem of child marriage. So, the solutions to the problem of teen pregnancy will vary in different countries based on its causes. There are many causes, few of them are: Psychological Factors ,Impact of Mass Media, Alcohol and Substance Abuse ,Socio-economic factors and Lack of Proper Sex Education .
Teen pregnancy causes dramatic changes to a teen girl 's lifestyle, emotional well-being and body. According to, some of the most long-lasting effects of teen pregnancy involve the emotional stress of planning for parenthood, or planning for adoption. Parenting for teen father is difficult as well. His relation with the girl and her parents can get strained. At a young age, he is faced with problems like supporting the mother emotionally and the family financially. A teen pregnancy is an avoidable complication.
III. Conclusion
Teenage pregnancy is what you call those girls who get pregnant at the age of 13 to 19 .
The causes of teenage pregnancy can be socio-economic or psychological. The teen or adolescent pregnancy is more prevalent in developed countries and most rampant in USA. In developing countries such as India, the socio-economic factors play a greater role in bringing it about and the issue is inherently linked to the problem of child marriage. So, the solutions to the problem of teen pregnancy will vary in different countries based on its causes. There are many causes, few of them are: Psychological Factors ,Impact of Mass Media, Alcohol and Substance Abuse ,Socio-economic factors and Lack of Proper Sex Education .
Teen pregnancy causes dramatic changes to a teen girl 's lifestyle, emotional well-being and body. Parenting for teen father is difficult as well. His relation with the girl and her parents can get strained. At a young age, he is faced with problems like supporting the mother emotionally and the family financially.
* Hamilton, B.E., et al. Births: Preliminary Data for 2007. National Vital Statistics Report, volume 57, number 12, March 18, 2009.
* Martin, J.A., et al. Births: Final Data for 2006. National Vital Statistics Reports, volume 57, number 7, January 7, 2009.
* Ventura, S.J., et al. Estimated Pregnancy Rates by Outcome for the United States, 1990-2005: An Update. National Vital Statistics Reports, volume 58, number 4, October 14, 2009.
* Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Preventing Smoking and Exposure to Secondhand Smoke Before, During and After Pregnancy. October 3, 2007.
* American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Especially for Teens: Having a Baby. Patient Education Pamphlet, August 2007.
* Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). STD Surveillance 2006. Updated 11/13/07.
* Mathews, M.S., and MacDorman, M.F. Mortality Statistics from the 2005 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. National Vital Statistics Reports, volume 57, number 12, revised 8/18/08.
Bibliography: * Hamilton, B.E., et al. Births: Preliminary Data for 2007. National Vital Statistics Report, volume 57, number 12, March 18, 2009. * Martin, J.A., et al. Births: Final Data for 2006. National Vital Statistics Reports, volume 57, number 7, January 7, 2009. * Ventura, S.J., et al. Estimated Pregnancy Rates by Outcome for the United States, 1990-2005: An Update. National Vital Statistics Reports, volume 58, number 4, October 14, 2009. * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Preventing Smoking and Exposure to Secondhand Smoke Before, During and After Pregnancy. October 3, 2007. * American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Especially for Teens: Having a Baby. Patient Education Pamphlet, August 2007. * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). STD Surveillance 2006. Updated 11/13/07. * Mathews, M.S., and MacDorman, M.F. Mortality Statistics from the 2005 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set. National Vital Statistics Reports, volume 57, number 12, revised 8/18/08.