I would like to make some changes in the game for my class. Every student or group will choose their imaginary country. They can give a new name for their country and designate the country’s religion, language, norm, main source of income, educational system, history, etc. If the game is playing with groups, each country will choose a leader and a negotiator and others
will be a minister.
Each time, I will give different scenarios for these countries. For instance, while Bonay fighting with shortage, Lani is going to fight an epidemic or while Ila is living with abundance, it is going to be a revolution in Bili. The leaders and the ministers will try to find solutions to the crisis. Through their group’s ideas, the negotiators will try to find support from other countries negotiators. During the game, they will realize that the only way to win this game is cooperation and sharing of resources with other countries. At the end of the game, I will choose the winner through the main purpose of the game.
I chose this game for gifted students because this game will provide opportunities to improve students:
- Problem solving and creative thinking skills,
- Understanding social system and complex situations,
- Leadership and negotiating skills.