Resolved: Single-gender classrooms would improve the quality of education in American public schools.
Contention 1: Single-gender classrooms would leave students unprepared for college and for life.
Subpoint 1: College Preparedness
College Preparedness: Single-sex schools fail to prepare students for college.
Edelman Public Relations 2008
Raúl Hinojosa-Ojeda, Ph.D. is the founding director of the North American Integration and Development Center and associate professor in the Division of Social Sciences and the César E. Chávez Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. Born in Mexico and raised in Chicago, he received a B.A. in economics, an M.A. in anthropology, and a Ph.D. in political science at the University of Chicago. The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) is the research and policy arm of the American Immigration Council. IPC 's mission is to shape a rational conversation on immigration and immigrant integration. Through its research and analysis, IPC provides policymakers, the media, and the general public with accurate information about the role of immigrants and immigration policy on U.S. society. IPC reports and materials are widely disseminated and relied upon by press and policy makers. IPC staff regularly serves as experts to leaders on Capitol Hill. The good news for Canadian parents is that research reveals that most motivated students enjoy attending school regardless of the type of school they attend, and most would recommend their school to others. Students, however, recognize that a co-ed environment reflects the world around them once they get beyond the classroom. In the same research study, 84%