John A. Bruce (1978) stated that:
Adolescents are sometimes perceived as a threat at worst and a challenge at best. They have a high accident rate; they experiment with alcohol, drugs, and sex (or so we imagine); they share a cultural universe to which we are often not privy; they remind us of our own mortality, for they are on the way up, and we are on the way down. (p.77).
Among the generation of youth a phenomenon of single-parenting and early pregnancy has long been discussed and carefully examined which others have perceived as a social dilemma that needs further attention. Adolescence as they call the stages of these youth who are socially understood to be in the most difficult phase of their development faces the challenges of coping up with the mechanisms of life’s survival. Going through their day-to-day lives, examines each teenagers capacity to carefully examine their intended achievement in life. A single parent as define is someone who lives with one or more children without the second parent. Usually the definition of single parenting depends upon the local laws, but there are other cases as well, for example if a parent is left alone after the divorce, after another parent just leaves the family or the child, if the second parent is put to the jail or is dead. The household of a single parent differs a lot from a usual household. Certainly all situations are unique, some people choose the path of single parenting consciously, and some are made to bring the child up alone. There are a lot of negative moments about single parenting, there are some positive as well. For example, if a person takes care of a child alone, she has always the freedom to choose and to make all the decisions on her own. On the other hand making decisions can be really hard sometimes and really often people feel the need for somebody’s support and a piece of advice. However, a more 3 indicative situation has come to reality, single parenthood turns out
References: Adams, G., Adams-Taylor, S., & Pittman, K. (1989). Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood: A Review of the Problem, Solutions, and Resources Barratt, M., Roach, M. A., & Colbert, K. K. (1991). Single Mothers and Their Infants: Factors Associated with Optimal Parenting Bruce, J. A. (1978). Adolescent Parents: A Special Case of the Unplanned Family. The Family Coordinator, (1), 75-78 Dunifon, R., & Kowaleski-Jones, L. (2007). The influence of grandparents in single- mother families Farber, N. B. (1989). The Significance of Aspirations among Unmarried Adolescent Mothers Hotz, V., McElroy, S., &, S. G. (2005). Teenage Childbearing and Its Life Cycle Consequences: Exploiting a Natural Experiment Kirkman, M., Harrison, L., Hillier, L., & Pyett, P. (2001). 'I know I 'm doing a good job ': canonical and autobiographical narratives of teenage mothers