The single-motherhood statistics are indefensible if one even wanted to try. Studies show that children develop better in dual parent households, and more children are growing up without fathers, in less stable environments. The failure of 21st century fathers to take care of their children is a pervasive and serious problem, and can easily be categorized as a symptom of America's moral decline.…
A positive side of being a single parent is being able to spend quality one on one time with your children and being able to develop…
People always get caught up on the fact that a single mother can’t be educated enough to raise a child, but sometimes that isn't the case. There are many single mothers that are well educated and are able to raise a perfectly happy family, just like the “typical” American family mother. Single mothers are still able to go to school, and a good education, all they need is friends and family to help out with the…
Topic: In this paper I will research the topic of single-parenting. There are an array of topics that fall into single-parent households that could be researched, such as behavioral problems in the children, female-headed households, mental illness and suicidal thoughts in the children, neglect, and race in single-parent families. I decided to focus my research on the adversities single-parent families face compared to dual family households, as well as single-mother and single-father comparisons and the effects of each. I chose this subject because it is relevant, and sometimes a factor in many of the other concerns mentioned involving single-parenting. Although…
In the article “Single Parenting can be Beneficial”, Sabrina Broadbent defends the ability of single parents to raise children. Her first claim states that divorce can renew fathers and mothers damaged by failing marriages and bring closeness, availability, and support to parent-child relationships. Drawing from her personal experience, Broadbent also claims that children, including her own, have adjusted well to single-parent households and do not perceive themselves as disadvantaged. She also speculates that many two-parent homes are essentially run by single parents, with one responsible for rearing children and the other earning income.…
Growing up, children need to be influenced by others in order to learn and mature. They need parents to be there and support the children’s every step in development. In some families, children are able to grow up with the same biological parents and learn to have a sense of comfort, in that there will always be “mom and dad,” waiting for them when they get home. However, in the United States “forty or possibly even fifty percent of marriages will end in divorce” (Marriage101). Leaving many children with questions that single parents sometimes just cannot answer. Even though most children from broken household do well in life, there still are lasting effects on the child.…
As a single parent of a teenage daughter with an absent father, I can relate to the many problems facing most single parents today. The bonds my daughter and I have formed are stronger than I could have ever prayed for, however I often ponder the pros and cons of a two parent family. Whether the burdens and joys of parenting lie on a single parent or a two parent family, the bond of parent and child is one of Gods greatest gifts.…
Divorce and out-of-wedlock childbearing are now epidemic in American society. Both forms of disrupted families are harmful to children and to society. The children of single parents are more likely to do poorly in school, commit crimes, and become single parents themselves. In addition, the increase in single-parent families contributes to such social problems as poverty, crime, and a decline in the quality of public education.…
How do you feel about raising children in a single parent home or in a home where both parents are present? It is very shocking to know that most people do not think about these situations before starting a family. In today’s population there are more single parent families than two parent families. When raising children it takes finances, time and affection, and a good role model to help care for them. Parenting is very difficult whether both parents are present or not, but being a single parent have many obstacles.…
There are many biased and harsh criticisms that exist for single mothers. A quick Google search on “Single Mothers” will pull up numerous websites dedicated to educating society about the dangers of single mothers. Although not everyone in America will use their spare time creating anti-single mother websites and spreading ridiculous lies about whom single mothers are, there is still an underlying belief that single motherhood is wrong and immoral. A Pew Research Center poll on family structures reports that nearly 7 in 10 Americans think single mothers are a “bad thing for society.” (Roiphe) Living the life of a single mother will mean that you will be up against 218,114,341 people in this country who don’t agree with your lifestyle. That means that more people are accepting of interracial and gay relationships than they are of single mothers. What is it about single motherhood that creates such animosity among our culture? Many people will say that insecure people are the first to judge or that hurt people hurt people. Rich Moran, Senior Editor of the Pew Research Center puts forth a few reasons for these results on NPR news: “…people who…
really see that it hurts the child seeing both parents separate. Single parents also think that the…
In 1999 around 16 million children were living in a single parent household with their mothers, and almost 6 million children were living with only their fathers or with no parents at all (Fields and Casper, internet). The European Commission has reported that the percentage of children living with only one parent has grown from 8% to 13% in the last fifteen years. Population projections in the United States estimate that half of the children born in the 1990's will spend some time in single parent households (Amato, internet). These statistics seem unrealistic but if one thinks about it and actually look around and see their friends' families they would have to agree. I live in a single parent household…
Raising children is a major job that takes time and patience. But imagine being a single parent, raising a child on your own. According to, Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support: 2007, released by the U.S. Census Bureau in November 2009, there are approximately 13.7 million single parents in the United States today ( that’s not including the individuals who didn’t participate). Those parents are responsible for raising 21.8 million children (approximately 26% of children under 21 in the U.S. today). Generally, I will illustrate the picture of the single-family and their corresponding struggles with daily life.…
This essay focuses on the issue of single parenting as one of the most effective family problems. A single parent is a parent who lives with one or more children without the second parent it could be either a dad or a mom. Usually the definition of single parenting depends on the local laws throughout different states, but there are other circumstances as well that could lead to single parenting, for example if a parent is left alone after getting divorced, if one of the parent just leaves the family or the child, if one of the parent is put to the jail or dies. Sometimes the single parent might not be the real father or mother of the child, some people decide to adopt a child or become a parent through implantation of babies or just take care of a family member child, who was abandoned by his real parents. The household of a single parent is very different from a normal household. But all the circumstances are distinctive, some Parents decide to become single parents if they see a relationship is not going well or if they see there might be a lot of family problems that might affect the child, and some have to do it if something happens like the loss of a the second parent. There are a lot of negative effects about being a single parent. For example, making decisions can be really hard sometimes and most of the time parents need that second person there to be able to make the best decision that will benefit the child and the parent. Frequently single parents do not have sufficient time to do all the house work and this involves children from the early age in doing house jobs which takes time away from them to do school work or other things. Single parents have to tell most of house problems to a child which doesn’t not help the child, they have to discuss these problems like if the child was an adult. If the other parent is alive they have to…
Single parents have to plan everyday around their kid’s life. have to put their kids first in different activities because you want them to have a better life than you had…. By the time a single parent job is done for the day all they have time to do is go to bed and start and start all over again the next day which leaves little to no time for self. Single parents have little to no time for themselves which can lead to other problems such as depression.…