Single sex schools are the best way of education and vital for our children in order for them to be taught in an environment that is away from distractions and to be more successful, focused and emotionally stable. There are several reasons which shows that single sex schools are important and why it’s the best way for good education.
The first reason is that boys and girls are not equal and develop at different times and speeds; therefore they should be taught separately. Acording to Gilbert (2007), Aacademic planners and school superintendents in the 1960’s had this foundamental assumption; they used to think that separate means unequal, so fearing that they would be unfair, provoking inequality and sexual stereotypes between students; they decided to mix the sexes at the earliest possible age. As a result, public single sex schools started to vanish, by 2000 only a handful survived. In the 1965, Most of America’s puplic school were single sex. This clearly shows that boys and girls were separated in the first place out of the fear of inequality; and if we want to mix girls and boys out of inequality we should mix them in all of the activities they do coupled with education. Sports are the best indication that boys and girls are not equal, each have their strengths and weaknesses. And to mix them in learning is a mistake as mixing them in sports is a mistake. Moreover, they develop physically at different speeds, girls often developing earlier; that is true on every level of analysis. This can lead to bullying from opposite sex for those who either over-develop or under-develop. Therefore, it should come to no surprise that, at least in the United States, elementary school boys are 50% more likely to repeat a grade than girls and they drop out of high school a third time more often. If they were taught separately and the curriculum and teaching was tailored to their needs, drop-out rates would not be so high nor as vastly
References: Gilbert, M. (2007, September 20). Single-sex schools help children thrive - The Christian Science Monitor - Retrieved July 18, 2013, from Mael, F. A. (1998). Single-Sex And Coeducational Schooling: Relationships To Socioemotional And Academic Development. Review of Educational Research, 68(2), 101. Bronski, M. (n.d.). ZCommunications | Single Sex Schools by Michael Bronski | ZNet Article. Z Communications. Retrieved July 18, 2013, from Asthana, a. (n.d.). Single-sex schools 'no benefit for girls ' | UK news | The Observer . Latest US news, world news, sport and comment from the Guardian | | The Guardian . Retrieved July 18, 2013, from