Sita sings the blues is an animated film directed by an American artist named nina paley basically using 2D graphics and flash animation. This movie is directed produced and written by nina paley narrated by aseem chhabra, bhavana nagulpally, manish acharya. This movie stars sanjiv jhaveri, nina paley, deepti gupta, debargo sanyal, reena shah, Pooja kumar, Aladdin ulaah. The music for this film has been given by Annette hanshaw and the movie was released on 11th of February 2008.
This film is sympathetic towards sita. This film has picked some incedents from Ramayana involving sita where they have shown things from sita’s perspective and how she suffered at the various walks of her life after she got married to rama.
The plot joins the exile of prince rama from his father’s court on a request from one of his father’s wives named kaikeyi who had once when the king was very ill had taken proper care of him and in return the king had granted her one wish any time in her life. Kekeyi used this opportunity to get rama out of the picture for the raj singhasan by asking the king to grant her the wish and send his eldest son rama on anexile so that her son bharat could take over after the king.
Sita decided to follow rama to the forest with him as she saw herself accompanying her husband anywhere he went. She was of the belief that her existence was for rama and to be with him in every situation was her duty. The forest was not a bed of roses. They faced a lot of problems and finally started living in a hut which in itself was not safe. Ravan’s sister attracts ravana’s attention to sita’s beauty and ravana gets adamant to make her his. For the same he sends a beautiful deer to the forest to distract rama so that in the mean while he can abduct sita from her hut. As rama goes out to get the deer for sita, ravana makes his way into her hut and takes her with him to lanka. Ravana demads sita to submit to him in the pain of death but sita remains