Joshua C. Dansby
Soc 101
Prof. Miriane Portes
April 18, 2012
Mass media makes a significant impact on society, no matter its form, whether we realize it or not. Mass media takes many different forms, but every form has its own unique impact on the progression of society. In this paper, I will examine mass media from a sociological point of view, utilizing the three main theories of sociology: Functionalist, Conflict, and Symbolic Interaction. Often we fail to realize how truly broad of a spectrum mass media actually is. According to an article Manohar, “Mass media are media, which can be used to communicate and interact with a large number of audiences. Be it the pictorial messages of the early ages, or the high-technology media that are available today, one thing that we all agree upon, is that mass media are an inseparable part of our lives.” (Manohar, 2011) Although one may not stop and consider it, there are many forms of mass media that are often at work within our lives. Mass media ranges from the billboards you may see on your commute to work every morning to to television programs you may watch as a family in the evening. One thing remains the same, and that is whether or not we realize, mass media is constantly changing the way we feel as a society. To better understand the importance mass media plays in the development of society, it is pertinent to start with the basics of sociology. One of the first theories of sociology that I will use to view this wide and various subject is the functionalist theory. According to Vissing, “This theoretical approach held that all social structures (institutions or stable units of society) exist because they fulfill some specific functions.” (Vissing, 2011) In order to develop a better understanding of the functions of mass media, we will have to take a much closer look at how mass media impacts society. With the functionalist approach to sociology being a macro level theory, we will have
References: Babauta, L. (2012, Spring/Summer). 31 ways to find inspiration for your writing [Web log post].Retrieved from Brian Griffin [wiki] Criticism of Family Guy. (2012, May 1). Retrieved April 30, 2012, from Hickman, J Retrieved April 30, 2012, from Manohar, U Weeks, L. (2011, July 1). Lazy in America: An incomplete social history. Retrieved April 25, 2012, from Wizenberg, S