Francis of Assisi is a comprehensive biography of one of the most holy and influential saints in medieval times written by Andre Vauchez. The book gives us insight into the life of Francesco di Bernadone, known to the Catholic Church as St. Francis of Assisi and the founder of the Order of Friars Minor, and his charismatic effects on the church and medieval society. Vauchez paints an embellishing picture of the charismatic St. Francis being a revolutionary idealist born in 1181 or 1182 that challenged the corruption of the Catholic Church and the average medieval Catholic’s way of life. St. Francis poised Catholics, should they want to live without sin, to live in the footsteps of Jesus Christ as was written in scripture and brought with him an onslaught of followers that forced the medieval Catholic community to adapt, though, not without resistance.…
The Catholic Church during the early 16th Century was rooted throughout Europe. The Church influenced every country and its respective monarchs through the Church’s wealth and power. The Catholic Church placed a tight hold on the general populace with individuals who went against the Church being branded as heretics and excommunicated. The wealth and power of the Church eventually caused the quality of the clergy to deteriorate. Priests became corrupt and subjected to their physical desires.…
a) Most Filipino guys are very caring to women. They do not let them carry heavy loads. They don't want to see women do heavy works that men usually do like splitting wood, carrying heavy boxes, transporting heavy things, etc. Cooking, washing, cleaning and caring for the kids are the woman's main work but still the men help them in doing these.This is one of the reasons why some Filipino ladies are so dependent to men when it comes to manly works at home. They are totally helpless when men are not around. In this, situation they have good reasons to give back the love and care for their man to keep them come home all the time and do the heavy job for them.…
Although not every clergy member is corrupt these few individuals selfishly casts an unpleasant shadow on the entirety of the church. In the strive for a more pleasant and perfect society, there are those who lead society towards these idealistic goals; yet it is almost impossible to avoid the selfish and cowardly individuals who hold societies…
Rizal’s letters are seldom read because we are so focused on his novels and poetry in a classroom. Yet it is in and through these letters that we see Rizal plain and gain insight into his works. It may be a trivial matter, but Rizal’s letters to family members are the most endearing. Remember 7-11: that Rizal was the seventh child of 11 born to Francisco Mercado and Teodora Alonso. He was the second of two boys in a home dominated, literally, by women.…
Rizal was able to acquire the necessary instruction preparatory for college work in Manila and abroad. It may be said that Rizal who has born a physical weakling rose to become an intellectual giant not because of but rather in spite of, the first teacher of Rizal was his mother, who was a remarkable woman of good and the prayers. Mother of Rizal wrote in his student memories taught me how to read and to say haltingly the humble prayers.…
All this took place in ancient China during the 6th century. Until today, China is a very patriarchal nation, giving most importance and value to the men. Women were only second to men, and were often looked down upon. Despite being considered inferior, however, women like Mulan still continue to prove that they can play an important role in society. This statement holds true even in the Philippines. Even though we always think of Rizal, Bonifacio, and Aguinaldo when we hear the word ‘hero’, we must not forget about Teodora Alonzo, Melchora Aquino, Marcela Agoncillo, and the other women who have made an impact in Philippine history.…
Rizal’s Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa was written in 1882 when Rizal was 21 years old. Rizal was away in Spain for only a month, which may have inspired him to write this literature because he misses his homeland. This work of Rizal is a very significant work of Rizal as a reformist because it expresses his dear love for his native land. As he wrote this literature and felt his love for his country, he builds the foundation of him being a reformist because of the drive to fight for change. Through Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa, Rizal realizes how much he loves his country and that it has fallen into the wrong governance and that this needs to be changed. Through the lines “Maging anuman nga ang kalagayan natin, ay nararapat nating mahalin siya at walang ibang bagay na dapat naisin tayo kundi ang kagalingan niya (referring to Philippines)” Rizal explicitly reveals his love for the country and expresses the importance to love and work for the betterment of our homeland. It can also be seen in these lines that even if he is out of the country studying, he will do his part as a Filipino to fight for the rights of every Filipino. Today, this work of Rizal may serve as a reminder for all the people in this country that being a Filipino calls for a duty to serve our native land and fellow citizens. If though Rizal’s work, Filipinos realize their duty as a citizen and love for their country, the Philippines would be a better place to live in and it would be easy to manipulate the society towards a progressive nation.…
But behind these legendary men who shaped the history of the Philippines are women who helped mold them to who they are. Ninoy Aquino had Cory Aquino who continued the works Ninoy was not able to finish when he was executed. Diego Silang had Gabriela Silang who continued his battle long after he was gone. Andres Bonifacio had Gregoria De Jesus who is the founder & VP of the women’s chapter of the Katipunan of the Philippines. Jose Rizal had Teodora Alonzo Realonda de Quintos who was his first teacher and was his constant guide as he grew up.…
Dr. Lim emphasizes her portrayal of the Filipino mother by going in a diverse discussion of the mothers challenges, her influencing factor in the shaping of the destiny of her children and her husband and her symbolic representation of LOVE in the highest degree of sacrifices.…
For Rizal, the real mission of education is to elevate the country to the top of glory and to develop people’s holistic formation. As we all know, education is the strong foundation of society and a requirement for social progress. We need a leader like Rizal, who will empower and initiate positive changes and transformations in the society as a whole today and tomorrow.…
The following are the highlights of the work that had great impact on me. First, according to Rizal, Filipinos are not responsible for their misfortunes, as they are not their own masters. We, are all aware that we were enslaved by the Spaniards and by the belief that they are our ways to salvation. Second, that, an illness will worsen if the wrong treatment is given. Third, that all the causes of indolence can be reduced to two factors, the limited training and education Filipino natives receive.…
“They seemed faded plants sown and reared in darkness, having flowers without perfume and fruits without the sap”, Jose Rizal said in his letter “To the Young Women of Malolos” that the women were very passive to what the church teaches them but he had been proven wrong when the news of what had happened in Malolos reached him. In his letter, Rizal praised and honored the twenty brave women of the town for their victorious battle for their just demand to education and their battle to stop slavery to the friars. He also emphasized the obligations and roles of the Filipino mothers to their children; he compared the Filipino women to the Spartan women as role model. Rizal concluded his letter by encouraging the Filipino women to "Let us, therefore, reflect; let us consider our situation and see how we stand…. May your desire to educate yourself be crowned with success”.…
In summary, Rizal ‘s Letter To the Young Women of Malolos focused on five major points (Zaide & Zaide, 1999)…
Rizal’s finished his secondary course and go back again in Ateneo to study again as a college student. Finishing the secondary level of his study, his knowledge grows again. Because of this he always won a price every semester. And big opportunity rise again he wrote a poem that was presented during his college graduation. Because of his wisdom he awarded 5 medals at ages of 15. It is important because at a very early age he already has the knowledge and strength. Although he was only 15, and only a filipino In Ateneo. It is not a barrier for him to attain his goal but he took this as a challenge and also a stepping stone for his success.…