Situation Specific Theory
Janiece Fontes
Maryville University
Situation Specific Theory Theory of Evolution
Situation specific theories provide nursing practice that is specific to a certain nursing phenomenon. It limits the consideration of patients and their dynamic historic and sociocultural context (Im & Meleis, 1999).
Veteran’s Healthcare Services (VA) was developed specifically for the purpose of providing care to veteran’s that have either been in combat or have served our country during peacetime. Many of the combat veterans’s returning home finds themselves left to deal with the after effects of living in a state of increased awareness and readiness. This can manifest it’s self in many different forms. Some may adjust well with minimal intervention. Others find themselves in years of therapy dealing with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is especially true of the veteran’s from the Viet-Nam era. Upon retuning home many of these veteran’s were left to try deal with the effects of war on their own. The VA has learned from these vets and has prescribed what they have learned in dealing with veteran’s that are and have returned from the country’s recent wars and conflicts. This has taken an integrative, interdisciplinary approach. A theory of evolution is much in line with this approach. It acknowledges competition but accepts the inevitability of cumulation in knowledge development (Meleis, 2012, p. 431). This involves not only care for the veteran himself but for the families and those that love him/her. In the primary care setting, with each interaction with a veteran, nursing has very specifice questions that are asked to determine the veteran’s state of mental health. If the veteran is found to be in need of assistance there is mental health as well as primary care providers that have specialized training to assist the veteran to get the vet
References: Im, E., & Meleis, A. I. (1999). Sitaution-Specific Theories: Philosophical Roots, Properties, and Approach. Advanced Nursing Science, 22(2), 11-24. Meleis, A. I. (2012). Theoretical Nursing Development&Progress (5th ed.). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Wolters Kluwer.