□ The following template provides guidelines for preparing a Six Sigma written certification project report. Subheadings and length of each section will obviously vary based on your findings and writing style. For a complete sample report using the template, see “Sample Project Report”.
□ The information in your report should follow the Six-Sigma Problem Solving Methodology DMAIC. This includes a description of the project, key points in the problem-solving process, and detailed support for your conclusions and any recommendations. Reports should be approximately 5-10 single-spaced pages (excluding appendices), including tables and figures. Black Belt reports/projects may be more comprehensive and thus longer.
□ Some general guidelines for grammar and format are provided for your reference at the end.
□ Some information contained in this template is repetitive across sections. However, since different audiences will read your report to various degrees of depth, we believe that it is essential to repeat certain information. Ultimately, you should produce a high quality, professionally-presented report that has sufficient detail to help other Six Sigma practitioners utilize and build upon your project findings.
Title of Report
Submitted to:
Name, Title
Address (optional)
Prepared by:
Name, Title
Address (optional)
Date Submitted
Note: Do not put a page number on your title page. Begin numbering the pages with the Executive Summary.
Executive Summary
The Executive Summary presents the major information contained in the report. Its readers are typically managers who need a broad understanding of the project and how it fits into a coherent whole. These readers do not need or want a detailed understanding of the various steps taken to complete your project. Therefore, the Executive Summary allows readers to learn the