Skilled immigrants in British Columbia
B.C. 2
Skilled Immigrants in British Columbia Bringing skilled immigrants into British Columbia has become more and more vital than before. People can immigrate to another country according to their comprehensive abilities, such as cultural level, professional skills and language ability. Every year, there are 35,000 people immigrate to British Columbia and half of them are skilled immigrants. The government in British Columbia should encourage immigration of skilled workers because they could help British Columbia contribute to the economy in the following areas: 1. Forest industry. 2. Aquaculture industry. 3. Health care industry. 4. Education.
This essay which talks about the influence of skilled immigrants in British Columbia concentrate on theses four areas.
Forest Industry Bringing skilled immigrants into British Columbia, the province can create wealth and develop forest industry. British Columbia is one of the most fortunate primary forest resource areas in the world and the forest industry here is one of leading industries. Skilled workers that immigrate to British Columbia can develop the forest industry with new technology. Papermaking originated in China and it is B.C. 3 one of the great inventions in ancient China. A statistic (2012, May) shows that paper and paperboard production of top 30 enterprises account for 43.05% of the total output, an increase of 0.74 percentage point over 2010. In 2011, China’s new papermaking capacity is 9.2 million tons. In the same year, China’s paper and paperboard production reach 99.3 million tons. Many Chinese inherit this skill and they can spread it to British Columbia. In recent years, forest industry in British Columbia develop much better under the help of skilled workers. Mackinnon (1971) says that today 21 pulp and paper mills are in operation in
References: Aquaculture in China and Asian (2007, May). Media Fact Sheet. Retrieved from British Columbia first province to license acupuncturists: Acupuncture: its use in medicine(1999, September). The Western Journal of Medicine, 173 (3), 209. British Columbia’s fisheries and aquaculture sector (2007, April). Ministry of Environment (5). Retrieved from aquaculture-sector-2007.pdf China papermaking industry report (2012, May). Retrieved from Glenn. W.,(2010, April). Aquaculture in British Columbia: putting the regulatory situation into perspective. Regulatory Compliance of British Columbia 's Marine Finfish Aquaculture Facilities, 2008: Joint Report : Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and Ministry of Environment. Retrieved from Paper_Formated_Draft%202%201%20cm.pdf English-only percentage drops in B.C. as Chinese-only rises (1992, September). The Vancouver Sun, p. A3. Retrieved from B.C. 8 Mackinnon, T.J., (1971. July). The forestry industry of British Columbia. Geography, 56 (3), 231 - 236.