Central Canada hold more that half of the seats in the house of commons. Central Canada can control the federal government because it has the most people. Central Canada became a big place because people settle their first compared to other parts of Canada, Cities became big in Central Canada first and we are close to the US. Central Canada is a powerhouse because Central Canada has the ability to drive world economy.
Central Canada’s is the centre of Canada’s economy. When newcomers come they settle at Central Canada, they settle at Central Canada because it close to the US therefore they can access the US market. Most of Canadian natural resources that were used were from Central Canada. Central Canada has given more money to the government than received even though they were qualified 5 times it hasn't received any transfer payment until 2009.
Central Canada’s Cultural is the most diverse cultural in Canada. Central Canada has cultural diversity because we have many different types of ethnicities living in Central Canada.
We also have diversity because of the immigrants that we took in are going to Central Canada to live (the Syrian refugees). Central Canada also has something called a “Reasonable Accommodation: The concept of adapting to the religious and cultural practices of minority groups,as long as these practices do not violate the charter of