Knowledge in Music Theory, Creativity, Expert Techniques, or Perseverance are some of the important skills that a musician should have. All of the skills mentioned are crucial to the development of any musician who really wants to become an excellent musician. But the single most important skill that most musicians or guitar players don't have, and don't know how to practice, is Aural Skills or Ear Training. Most of the musicians nowadays have poor aural skills or their ears are still not as good as they could be and should be. So in this study, we plan to make an E-Learning system in improving a person’s aural skill.
In this study, our primary goal is to help everyone to improve aural skill by doing an E-Learning system. There are two effective ways in teaching aural skills. The First one is Dictation, which teaches musicians to be able to see what they’re hearing and to visualize and write down the notated music for melodies, chords, rhythms, complex chorales, and other musical elements. And other one is Sight Singing, teaching musicians to be able to hear what they’re seeing. It’s relatively easy to sit down and push the keys, press the valves, or pluck the strings, but a much taller order is to be able to look at a piece of printed music, hear in your mind exactly what it will sound like when played, and sing those notes out of thin air with no accompaniment to check yourself against.
Dictation and Sight Singing will be used in our E-Learning System.
The E-Learning system that we plan to do covers a range of lessons and ear training topics to improve musicianship skills and aural awareness. In this System, a user account is needed so that the user’s progression on the Ear Training Course will be saved in the database and can be continued every time. Every time a user finishes a certain lesson, he/she must finish the lesson tests to be able to continue to the next lessons. We will include in our system a sound recognition technology. In some