Skipper’s Pier is a restaurant that has been located in Deal, MD for the past 20 years. The restaurant is well known for its proximity to the MD waterfront – including a dock that directly overlooks the Chesapeake Bay– as well as crab dinners and live entertainment. The restaurant has free access to the docks at the local marina which is owned by the current landlord. This is important as boating is one of the most profitable businesses in this area and this provides access to that clientele. The docks also provide for an added ambiance for the location making it more attractive to large parties, weddings, special events etc.
The restaurant has been under current ownership since 2012. Skipper’s Pier is currently leasing the property and would like to purchase the property …show more content…
from the landlord. Skipper’s Pier will continue to maintain free access to the docks at the marina, which will remain under the ownership of the landlord.
The restaurant is 100% owned by Dave Rosage, an experienced entrepreneur who has been running businesses since the age of 17.
Dave has owned/managed this restaurant since 2012. Dave has a bachelor’s and MBA from Stevenson and Loyola, respectively. His first business, a snowball stand, is still running profitably today. He also holds a leadership position on the Pasadena business association. David has been running Skipper’s Pier profitably for the past four years.
David’s wife Jessica is the pastry chef for Skipper’s Pier. In addition, she oversees the entire menu and kitchen operations. Prior to working at Skipper’s Pier, Jessica was a sous chef at the Shanty Grill in Ellicott City and has spent the past ten years doing private events and wedding cakes. Jessica is an award winning chef who operates her own specialty line of wedding cakes and deserts. She also owns a business (J.LeCakes) that focuses primarily on desert catering.
James McCarthy serves as head chef for Skippers Pier. He has over 25 years of restaurant experience in both the Annapolis and DC markets. Prior to working at Skipper’s Pier, James was a chef at the restaurants Chart House and Tony & Joe’s
Tony Toskov - a good friend and advisor for David Rosage - is also a successful restaurateur. He owns several local Maryland restaurants such as Twains Tavern (formerly Bamboo Bernies), Cancun Cantina, Reckless Ric’s and Two Rivers Steak & Fish House. Tony actively advises David on potential issues that may arise in operating a restaurant. Tony has communicated a willingness to inject his own capital into Skipper’s Pier in the event David cannot secure a bank loan.
Skipper’s Pier currently keeps all of their business accounts with M&T bank and both owners maintain personal accounts with M&T. In total, Skipper’s Pier has $900M+ in deposits with M&T. The owners are also in conversations with Mike Viscardi and the M&T securities group.