
Slavery, The Confederacy, And The Bible

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Slavery, The Confederacy, And The Bible
Slavery, the Confederacy, and the Bible

Throughout history, man has sought ways to develop himself economically. The invention of various tools, equipment, and labor methods have facilitated a more productive life while at the same time giving him greater economic gain. Of all the means by which this economic gain has been achieved, none is more morally controversial than the use of slave labor as it was practiced in the southern slave-holding states during the nineteenth century. The following essay will explain what the Southern slave-holders believed about slavery, what the Bible has to say about slavery, and what national consequence occurred as a result of slavery. In the years leading up to the Civil War, as the nation expanded
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Individuals who owned slaves argued that “slavery had existed throughout history and was the natural state of mankind.” ( The argument was also used that “slavery was a necessary evil because it would control the sinful, less humane, black race.” In addition, they believed “the institution [slavery] was divine, and...brought Christianity to the heathen”. After all, “African societies and cultures were unskilled, uneducated and savage.” ( Defense of their practice was also drawn from the Bible since God laid out guidelines for the children of Israel regarding slavery. Although these observations taken by themselves may seem by some to form a logical basis for this practice, these justifications do not make it morally right nor do they fit into the biblical intent of …show more content…
As is seen in Exodus 21:16, any taking of people outside of this context was punishable with death. “He that stealeth a man and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.” The purchase and permanent enslavement of stolen men, women, and children is how Southern slave-holders acquired slaves, being literally kidnapped and shipped to America against their will. The possession and merchandising of men, women, and children is a grave trespass against the sanctity of human life. While many Slave-holders in the nineteenth century saw it as a divine institution, they were in clear violation of God's moral law. As judgment for this national sin, the nation, and particularly the South, faced a devastating war over the issue of slavery. As has been seen in this essay, Southern slave-holders regarded the practice of slavery as a sacred institution drawing their arguments from human reasoning and the Bible. Man's reasoning will never lead a nation to righteousness, and the Bible gives no place for application of involuntary, permanent slavery outside of the Old Testament Theocratic kingdom. The misapplication of this in the southern slave-holding states brought God's judgment on the

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