Every person has their own excuse about why they started and why they don’t want to quite smoking. Many of the excuses can be treated without smoking. Many said that smoking affects ones weight. it is a source of losing weight .But If you want to lose weight, try working out. If you are stressed, see your doctor for medication. If you just want to fit in, try being nice.Smoking can cause death. Why would you want to smoke if it causes so many deaths? People have all kinds of excuses for that question. Some of which include: “I’m stressed out”, “I need to lose weight”, and “ I just want to fit in”. Would you want to die because you wanted to lose weight, you felt stressed, or you just want to be cool? There are many reasons you should not start smoking and why you should stop smoking now. It is causing pain and suffering not only to the smokers, but also to people who don’t even smoke.
Smoking is not the cure for any reason to start smoking. Tests have shown that when you stop smoking you only gain about ifve pounds, but the average weight gain for those who continued to smoke was one pound (The Foundation For a Smoke Free America). So think about it, if you stop smoking you’ll gain a few pounds, but if you continue to smoke you still gain more weight each time you smoke. Therefore, smoking is not a cure
Smoking is dangerous to our health. As we know when we use cigarette then it is already written on the case the warning which the government allows everyone to smoke. But there are limitations of smoking, The government put some signs for the users to follow for self discipline\. Too much addicted with cigarette can lead to death. There are some diseases that have been acquired in smonking . Different diseases like lung cancer or cardiac arrest and etc
Hypothesis (expected results)
According to the survey that most students are not using cigarettes because they are taught about the dangers of smoking. Students are indoctrinated about