First of all, smoking affects a smoker physically and mentally. Nicotine in cigarettes or cigars is a highly addictive substance. The tar and carbon monoxide in cigarettes increase a smoker’s risk of heart diseases, brain tumors and lung cancers. According to North East Valley Division General Practice, a risk of a stroke is 25 percent likely to occur in male smokers. The nicotine increases cholesterol levels in smokers’ bodies. Men who smoke are also ten times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers. Smoking is harmful to the respiratory and circulatory systems. It causes high blood pressure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and diabetes. A person’s appearance is changed when smoking. A smoker’s skin, nails and teeth are stained and his breath is stink like smoke. For female smokers, their cervix, and uterus are vulnerable to cancer. They might also develop fertility difficulties. For pregnant female smokers, it incurs premature birth, miscarriage and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Inhalation of tobacco smoke by nonsmokers has been found to increase the risk of heart disease and respiratory problems. On top of it all, smoking affects our next generation. Children who are…
Overall smoking is not healthy for the body. By a person taking that risk and smoking, a cigarette it is crippling their health. The consequences that go along with smoking are drastic enough; disease, heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, and cancer. People should just do themselves a favor and stop smoking so that they will have longevity in the life. Hopefully the people of today will wise up and realize that they have to help themselves by living a healthier life and putting the cigarette…
Smoking is a way that some people find good to them because it helps them from stressing out, but what some people don’t know is that smoking is the reason why so many people are dieing now a days. According to CDC, also known as United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 443,000 people die each year because of smoking. There are many different types of tobacco that people smoke, but the main ones are: chewing tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes (also known as vape), and weed. All of these could leave smokers to some type of disease or cancer that can hurt the person, or even kill the person that smokes it.…
Smoking causes cancer. “Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women in the United States” ( and 90 percent of lung cancer deaths among men and almost 80 percent of lung cancer deaths among women are because of smoking. Smoking causes several other types of cancer, including cancers of the throat, mouth, nasal cavity, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix, and acute myeloid leukemia. “Among the 250 known harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 69 can cause cancer.”(…
There are nearly 443,000 deaths each year caused by cigarette smoking, or one in every five deaths in the United States. Cigarette smoking and even tobacco use has gotten extremely out of control over the centuries, everybody smokes! It is unhealthy for your body and especially your lungs, it can cause harm to every organ throughout body. Military men and women, young adults, the elderly and even young teens are engaging in the inhaling of smoke. It is so easy to get a hold of a pack of cigarettes nowadays, and that is why it starts off so early in our young society.…
It has to be one of the least healthiest things you can do. Smoking causes many different types of cancer and disease, such as lung cancer and heart disease, both can be fatal. To inspire cigarette smoke, even if inhaled by second-hand smoke (inhaling cigarette smoke from another person’s cigarette) can deteriorate your lungs. Smoking also causes loss of brain cells, which can be cause to serious injury later.…
Smoking does not only make people look bad, but it also effects their bodies internally in negative ways. Smoking can cause many life-threatening diseases. Some of those diseases include chronic lung and heart disease; and cancer of the lungs, larynx, esophagus, and mouth. It can also cause heart attacks and strokes. Cigarette smoking accounts for 30 percent of all heart disease deaths…
The tobacco can cause gingivitis or periodontitis, these problems can lead to tooth decay, tooth loss, and bad breath. It also increases the risk of mouth. Throat, larynx, and esophagus cancer. Smoking also has an effect on insulin, making your more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Your sexual and reproductive system also is affected. Men and women who smoke are at higher risk of infertility. It also makes women more likely to experience menopause and increases the risk of cervical cancer.…
Smoking is a way humans affect themselves negatively. Smoking can cause many different types of diseases in your body. People who smoke are all aware that smoking can have bad effects on their body. Many different types of diseases a person can get while smoking is Lung Cancer, lung disease, heart diseases and other types of diseases. According to research, nearly 90% of people die from lung diseases and more than 17% of people die from heart weakness/disease. All of these diseases are said that they mostly are because of smoking. Other ways humans affect each other is by passive smoking, also…
Over 20 million Americans have died prematurely as a result of smoking and smoking-related illness since the first Surgeon General Report was released 50 years ago. Smoking has been widely known to increase risk for illnesses including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, immune and autoimmune disorders, and eye disease. Smoking is also known to cause reproductive issues and diminished overall health. However, despite increased tobacco control measures and education around the dangers of smoking, an estimated 42 million adults and 3.5 million middle and high school students still choose to smoke.…
The younger a person begins to smoke, the greater the risk of them developing smoking related illnesses. Therefore, if a person begins to smoke when they are young and smoke throughout their teenage years they will be unfit and vulnerable to disease for the rest of their lives. Society is damaged by this as illness means that people interact less.…
Today about four hundred thousands Americans die annually because of the health problem due to smoking. One and a half million people quit smoking a year, but more than fifty millions people keep on going. Tobacco contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive. Once you start smoking, it is very hard, but not impossible to quit. Smoking has several harmful effects on the body. People who smoke for a significant period of time will have problems with breathing and will most likely be in poor health. One out of four deaths of people from thirty-five to sixty-four years old result from smoking. Based on scientific research, every cigarette takes five and a half minutes of life away from a smoker. (American Cancer Society)…
Smoking makes it harder for a woman to get pregnant and it makes the baby more susceptible to have birth defects during pregnancy. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in one cigarette there are for 4,000 chemicals, 60 cancer causing compounds, and when the blood gets filled with toxins, the baby’s only source of oxygen and nutrients, it affects the baby’s growth system. These birth defects include, early delivery, death of the baby before birth, low birth weight, sudden infant death syndrome (known as SIDS or crib death), ectopic pregnancy, orofacial clefts in infants. Smoking kills someone before they even get a chance to…
Secondhand smoke causes 7,330 deaths from lung cancer and 33,950 deaths from heart disease each year.…
Factors that prevaling students or minors to smoke and it’s hazardous effect to their health.…